Mortgage calculators

Tax Benefits Calculator

Input Information
Property Information
Home Value : ($)
Years Before Sell : (Yrs)
Loan Information
Amount : ($)
Interest Rate : (%)
Length : (Yrs)
Points : (%)
Closing Costs : ($)
Taxes And Insurance Information
Annual Taxes :
Annual Insurance :
Annual PMI :
Your Tax Rates And Deductions
Tax Rate : (%)
State Tax Rate : (%)
Deductions : ($)
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Financial Analysis (Switch to Plain English)
Amount Financed : $250,000.00
Monthly Principal & Interests : $1,342.05
Monthly Real Estate Taxes : $250.00
Monthly Insurance : $125.00
Loan To Value Ratio : 83.33%
Months With PMI : 31
Monthly PMI : $104.17
Total Monthly Payments : $1,821.22
  First Years Total
Interests and Points : $35,568.50 $235,639.46
Total Property Taxes : $15,000.00 $90,000.00
Total Deductions : $50,568.50 $325,639.46
Tax Savings : $15,676.24 $100,948.23
Average Payment After Taxes : $1,559.95 $1,540.81
Plain English Help (Switch to Financial Analysis)
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