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The green real estate movement is specialized knowledge to help clients buy and sell resource-efficient properties.A� The National Association of Realtors GREEN designation, which covers various aspects of green residential and commercial real estate, as well as property management, give practitioners up-to-date knowledge on the trends and inssues surrounding green buildings.A� Below are a few ideas if you’d like to live a little more GREEN!

  • Recycle old tennis shoes at the Nike Outlet Store in Conroe
  • Recycle your wine corks at Spec’s
  • Rince out the shampoo bottles to recyle with your kitchen plastics
  • Mail in printer cartridges to recycle
  • Buy houses with tech-shield in the attic
  • Look for skylights when purchasing a home

  • Tankless water heaters are energy efficient
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  • Metal Roofs last much longer than the traditional shingle roof
  • Plant a garden in your backyard
  • Install water efficient toilets in older homes
  • There are a variety of windows for the home that lower utility bills
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  • Sun Screens on windows help consumers save on energy bills
  • Variable Speed pool pumps help with energy efficiency
  • Program thermostats

  • Put lamps on timers

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