cheap pills WASHINGTON (International Code Council) a�� Residential builders and other professionals now have a set framework for green construction that stipulates the necessities a home must haveA�to be considered environmentally friendly.
The International Code Council (ICC) approved the National Green Building Standard, known as ICC-700,A�Jan. 29. The new standard provides guidance for safe and sustainable building practices for residential construction, including both new and renovated single-family to high-rise residential buildings.
This is the first and only green standard that is consistent and coordinated with the Code Councila��s family of I-Codes and standards.
The International Code Council and National Association of Home Builders developed the standard withA�input from the green building community.
To learn about the standarda��s rating system and criteria, as well as ICC-700 training and the Code Councila��s Green Building Technologies Certification program, see ICCa��s press release sildenafil tablets for sale online Cheap . aldactone shop online nimotop generico venezuela