On December 4, the Harris County Court of Commissioners adopted revised metal theft regulations pertaining to scrap metal recycling businesses in unincorporated areas of Harris County, which will go into effect this month. The adoption of these metal theft regulations was a big success for GHBA!
The regulations faced no opposition during the hearing. GHBA members Jon Skeele, Teague Harris, James Frankel, Barry Kahn and Larry Capasso attended the hearing to speak in favor of the regulations, and we send a special thanks to them for voicing their support.
Stronger metal theft enforcement has long been a GHBA priority. Due to the recent establishment of the Metal Theft Prevention Coalition, GHBA was able to mobilize efforts with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the Houston Police Department, state elected officials-specifically Representative Bill Callegari-and other area stakeholders in order to successfully advocate for the ultimate adoption of the metal theft regulations in Harris County. The next objective of the Metal Theft Prevention Coalition will be to support the adoption and implementation of metal theft regulations in counties adjacent to Harris County.