In Blog, Houston Real Estate Radio

This is our first show from The 9-5-0 AM (KPRC-AM) in Houston. We are glad you are here! We are excited about the move and we are happy to be a part of the Clear Channel family. This means that the program will also be available through the famous i heart radio app.

I am also going to be a regular contributor on “The World According to Garf” with Michael Garfield each Friday at 12:50 on The 950. You can see the latest segment HERE.

Houston Real Estate Radio is now available on iTunes!

Here is a breakdown of the show:

  • We are joined for two segments by Ian Faria. Ian is a Director and real estate attorney with the Coats Rose Law Firm. He gives us some great information about what recourse homeowners might have with builders who are not making good on their warranties or other problems. You can learn more about Ian on his product information. valtrex is an medication, the analog of nucleoside. after the administration of valtrex, it is absorbed and almost completely converted … bio page.
  • Senior Economist, Bob Denk, with the National Association of Home Builders gives us his take on what the housing market will look on 2013.

Here is some more information.

Here is our first segment where we introduce ourselves and the show!

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Here is the first segment with Ian Faria, Director at Coats Rose Law Firm:

Here is the second segment with real estate attorney Ian Faria:

Here is the third segment with Senior Economist, Bob Denk:

We hope you had a wonderful New Year. Welcome to 2013! It is going to be a great one!

Happy New Year from all of us at Register Real Estate Advisors

Don’t forget to ask your real estate question this week to have it answered on the air. Call the 24hr Answer Line at 281.882.8088 or use hashtag #HRER on Twitter! Talk to you next week!

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