Do you need to sell your home? Are you planning to purchase a home in the Houston area? Either way, now is a great time! Right now, interest rates remain low. Indictors predict they will be rising soon. So now might be the best time to purchase before rates go up. If you have good credit, stable income, and a down payment, it’s even a good time to qualify for a loan. In general, it’s usually more cost effective to buy rather than lease a home right now. On the other hand, if you are selling, it’s nice to know our Houston area home prices have not fluctuated a lot like the homes on a national level have gone down. According to the MLS, home prices are actually up now compared to last year at this time. The amount of inventory on the market has reduced, so there’s less competition on the market now. It’s a great time to consider buying or selling a home in the Houston area! Right now you can purchase more home for less money – so if you have been thinking about making a move – now could be the very best time! Call RREA today to find an agent that can meet all of your buying and selling needs.
There are a few things to consider when purchasing a home. You will need to consider factors like your finances, what areas of town you prefer to live in, proximity to your employment, and where you like to socialize. At RREA, our in house lender can pre-qualify you for your next home within twenty four hours. You can apply online anytime through our website.
Your lender will print off a list of your purchasing costs. Use that to compare lenders based on interest rates, fees, monthly expenses, and upfront costs. Our in house lender has a track record for saving our clients money on purchases. He works closely with our Realtors to find the best mortgage for your buying needs. It will take time to compile all of the necessary documents, so plan with your lender before the purchase. Lenders are asking for a lot of additional documentation these days.
The bottom line is that although now is a great time to buy or sell a home – you need someone on your side protecting your best interest. You need someone who understands the changes going on with new complicated laws, regulations, and a more conservative mortgage industry. The Realtors at RREA are very well educated on this changing market and can help protect you and maximize your savings when buying or selling a home.
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Thanks for sharing this informative post. It will be a great time to sell a home.