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On the Houston Real Estate Radio show last weekend James and I discussed the new style of homes builders are bringing to our area. They are the Next Gen (for next generation) homes. Currently Village Builders has a Next Gen Model in the master planned community of Woodforest. These homes offer a separate suite for live in nannies and grandparents who want to move in. However, many builders have discovered that more often than not, it’s the children who are moving back home. Many college graduates are finding it difficult to find a job so they move back in with their parents. This next gen house is meant to be a solution for multigenerational households, nomatter the reason. Whether it’s the agent parents, boomerang college students, or a live in nanny, these houses offer a small separate living area, bedroom and bath, kitchen, washer and dryer. These homes have an interior door leading to the rest of the house and an exterior door that leads outside. The heating and cooling system is also separate from the rest of the house so when it’s not in use, that can be adjusted. Pricing for a next gen home is usually upwards of $300K. Village is offering theirs in Woodforest for $320k as a starting point. To learn more about these multigenerational homes, call Register Real Estate Advisors and talk with one of our highly trained Realtors. 281.288.3500 They can show you any home on the market!

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