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What do you know about swimming pool water conservation? Is it even possible to own a pool and conserve water?

It is a well known fact that our swimming pools and their equipment are major users of both WATER and ENERGY. Making sure they are working effectively is the first step to accomplishing energy and water conservation.

Let’s begin with the pool filter…a swimming pool filter uses a significant amount of electrical energy. You may be able to reduce the operating time of the filter pump and still maintain an efficient circulating system. Time requirements for adequate filtering vary from pool to pool due to differences in water volume and equipment, how often the pool is used, and other environmental factors, such as how many leaves fall into the pool. Generally, one complete water turnover every 24 hours will be adequate for most residential pools. Depending on the water volume in your pool, you may be able to reduce the filter operating time to 4 or 5 hours a day and even less during the winter.

During heavy use periods, like the hottest part of the summer, it may be necessary to run the filter eight or more hours a day for acceptable clarity and chemical balance. The filter may also be operated during off-peak hours to save even more on electricity (run it during the night.) Only backwash pool filters when it is necessary. Most people backwash more frequently than necessary, and this wastes water. If a timer controls the backwash, check and adjust the frequency of the cycle to ensure optimal efficiency. Backwashed water also goes into our sewer system and must be treated, thereby adding to the burden on the treatment facilities and your cost.

Be sure to maximize water recirculation by removing foreign materials from the strainer baskets in skimmers and the pump. As debris builds up, the pump has to work harder to keep the water circulating.

Some Ways to Conserve Water:
• Plug the overflow line when the pool is in use.
• When a crowd will be swimming, lower the pool’s water level as much as practical to reduce the amount of water splashed out.
• Consider installing an evaporative pool cover and keep it covered when not in use. Hundreds of gallons of water can evaporate each month…wasting booth water and money. A cover can also reduce heating bills and chemical usage, as well.
• During the months when the pool is heated, reduce the temperature if possible, particularly when the pool is not in use. This, too, helps control evaporation.
• Limit the frequency of pool refilling. Only refill entirely when required for water quality or for maintenance (e.g., resurfacing/repair) reasons.
• Use a pool vacuum that recycles the water when cleaning the pool.
• When cleaning the decks, use a broom or a blower, not the hose.
• Check the pool regularly for cracks and leaks and make repairs promptly. If the water level drops more than an inch in one day, investigate for problems.
• When pets share the pool, be sure to check the skimmer baskets and remove any fur that may accumulate.

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