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If you want to purchase a property and the seller is not willing or is unable to make the necessary repairs, what can you do? Do you have the funds to complete the repairs after closing? Is the lender requiring the repairs are completed before closing? An FHA 203K loan may be the right loan for you. When you use a 203K loan, you can roll in repair costs that is currently keeping you from being able to purchase the home under lender requirements. With this loan, you can make the lender required repairs after you purchase the home and that repair cost has been rolled into the loan. There are two of these programs – 203K streamline for repairs under $35K and that does not include structural repairs. The other is a regular 203K which goes over the $35,000 limit and allows you to include structural repairs if they are needed. So depending on the repair needs will determine which 203K loan you use.

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