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10. Make a list of what you had in your wallet or purse (You should do this BEFORE you lose your wallet. Now would be a good time.) Tackle the most important things first.

9. Immediately cancel all your credit and debit cards, letting your bank know that your wallet or purse was lost or stolen. Request new copies of the card with a new account number.

8. If you were the victim of theft, file a police report immediately so there is an official record.

7. Report a missing driver’s license to your state’s department of motor vehicles and request a new copy.

6. Alert the fraud departments of the three major credit reporting companies. They will place a fraud alert on your name and Social Security number, and you can request that they alert you before opening a line of credit in your name. (Equifax: 1-800-525-6285; Experian: 1-888-397-3742; Trans Union:1-800-680-7289)

5. Request a replacement Social Security card and consider not carrying it in your wallet in the future.

4. Contact either your company’s HR department or your health insurance provider directly to get a replacement insurance card. If you’ve lost a Medicare card, contact the Social Security Administration to get a replacement.

3. For other club membership, video rental and bonus club cards, you’ll have to contact each company individually. Use the directory on to get a direct line to consumer affairs or member relations departments.

2. If your credit reports suffer damage due to the loss of your wallet or purse, there are companies out there that can help you repair your credit.

1. Buy a new wallet or purse!

These tips came from the Federal Citizen Information Center and can help you recover after such a loss.

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